Interview with Vetanic Inc.
Dr. Atsushi Yamazaki and Dr. Yuko Koushige
Interview with key opinion leaders
Animal iPS cell researchers talk about CS CRIE: Products from a researcher's perspective
Saving as many animals by utilizing iPS cells
Dr.Yamazaki: We hope to utilize iPS cells to cure diseases in animals, people’s closest partners. Our work on canine iPS cells began with joint research by professors at Nihon University and Keio University. It is difficult to create iPS cells from animal species other than humans, so we worked to create iPS cells that could be applied clinically without the use of viruses. After repeated trial and error, we were finally able to create canine iPS cells.
Innovative and researcher-oriented products
Dr.Koushige: At first, I came across an article about “96-well compatible microplate mesh seal” by CS CRIE. The mesh seal was so innovative and intriguing, with its thinness and cut lines, that I sent an e-mail directly to CS CRIE. The thinner the mesh seal is, the more you can devise an experiment, such as putting something on top of it. The cut lines also allowed us to cut off and keep the extra stickers, which also helped to reduce expenses. From our point of view as researchers, I think the product is really valuable and useful.
Dr.Yamazaki: Research expenses are limited, so being able to reduce costs is very good for researchers. I find CS CRIE’s products easy to use and very innovative. Above all, I am happy that the products are made from a researcher’s perspective.
A friendly company that goes out of its way to be there for researchers
Dr.Koushige: CS CRIE is a company that thinks about things from a researcher’s point of view, so they listen carefully to our opinions about what we want them to do and how we want them to do it. We will continue to consult with them if we are dissatisfied with any aspect of our experiments.
About the interlocutor and the introduced product
Company Name: Vetanic Inc.
Businesses: (1) Research, development, manufacture and sale of regenerative medicine and other products for veterinary use.
(2) Research, development, manufacture and sale of reagents for regenerative medicine.
Introduced product: Microplate mesh seal for 96-well plate
Feature: Troublesome filtration of cells can be easiliy and conveniently processed with multiple samples.